Birth control death plan!

 To the Lost-Found members of the tribe of Shabazz (the so-called Negroes), I warn you– my people– and especially the women. Be aware of the tricks the devils are using to instill the idea of a false birth control in their clinics and hospitals.


The example of the clinic in Fauquier County, Virginia, where poor and helpless Black mothers are pressured into accepting sterilization, is certainly not confined to that clinic alone.

Graphic: MGN Online

It would be better to do as many African and Asian husbands and wives have done, to take care of these matters yourselves rather than rely on such treachery and deceitful counsel.

I say beware of being trapped into the kind of disgraceful birth control laws now aimed almost exclusively at poor, helpless Black peoples who have no one to rely on.

Who wants a sterile woman?

No man wants a non-productive woman. Though he may not want children for a time, he does want a woman who can produce a child if he changes his mind. Using birth control for a social purpose is a sin.

Using the birth control law against production of human beings is a sin that Allah (God) is against, and for which He will punish the guilty on the Day of Judgment. Both the Bible and Holy Qur’an’s teachings are against birth control.

So you and I, too, should be against it.

The White race is a race that was produced by using birth control law, says God to me.

Do not accept this death plan of the devils to destroy, and keep from being a people.

There is no people on earth (even the little savage Pygmie of Africa and the Malayan Islands of the Pacific love their own) who will let anyone change or destroy their identity and culture without a fight. The American Black women are ignorant of the real motive behind the so-called birth control schemes proposed and demanded by White officials.

The motive behind these schemes is not designed to promote the welfare of Black families, but to eliminate these families in the future.

Our enemies, the devils, know and now seek to prevent us from being a nation through our women, as Pharaoh attempted to destroy Israel by killing off the male babies of Israel at birth.

The thousand years before Moses, Yakub killed off the Black babies at birth to produce this present White race.

Pharaoh was envious of Israel’s future of becoming a great nation, beloved of Allah, which would overcome Egypt and her future as a world power.

The same goes for the so-called Negroes and the slave-masters’ children. The slave-masters envy their once-slaves’ future and want to destroy it.

So the best thing to do is to tell you the truth whether you care for it or not. I will feel, then, that I have done my duty as a member of the same Nation as you.

My love for you and your future is the same as that for myself. The life of this world and its sport and play is only temporary.


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